Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cemetery prop build 2012

Thought I would post a couple of photos of the new props that I am working on for this years yard haunt. The first is a lamp post which I first saw on Pumpkinrot's site who featured some photos from
Screamin Scott- Something about the simplicity of it struck me and of course I had to have one. So, after taking a old coach lantern, getting some pvc pipe and black spray paint, I was in business. The sign I cut from a piece of pine and painted and air brushed
for a more old school feel.

This next prop I'm not even really sure what it is, but I like it. The pieces are from the old Deadwood sign from last year. After the wind blew the pillars and sign over and nearly hit a TOT...I decided to can that prop and salvage some of the pieces and this is what happened. I think it will look nice among the tombstones. 

Well, thats it for now. Still plenty of time left....just need to find more storage space.